Parent/Guardian Consultation
Understanding your child's diagnosis . . .
. . . and its potential impact on their learning.
What does the language mean? What is an IEP? What agencies do I need to contact? - Coil can help navigate all of this.
The more informed parents and guardians are, the more they can effectively advocate for their children's success.
Executive Functioning for Parents/Guardians
Have you often wondered how to manage homework time and how to lessen the conflict? Coil can teach parents strategies for supporting their child's learning in a way that is positive for both of you and gives ownership of learning back to the child.
Level B Assessments
If you're wondering where exactly your child is functioning at academically, Coil can do Academic Achievement assessments (the KTEA-3 Brief) to determine your child's current academic skills. This assessment can be used for screening, progress monitoring or pre-referral for a full psycho-educational assessment.